The European Network of Holy Week and Easter Celebrations celebrates the I Meeting of Brotherhoods and Confraternities with the participation of 22 specialists
- The event will be held, in virtual format, on May 20 and 21 and will include four round tables
- Members of brotherhoods and confraternities, technicians and specialists from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Malta and Slovenia will participate.
- The objective is to share, dialogue and debate on some aspects of the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter
18.05.2021.- The European Network of Holy Week and Easter Celebrations will celebrate, on May 20 and 21, the I Meeting of Brotherhoods and Confraternities. This forum is held with the aim of sharing, discussing and debating some aspects of the Holy Week and Easter celebrations, as well as planting new bases to face, in a collaborative way, the future of our traditions, their conservation and sustainability. in the time.
Free to register, the event will be held in virtual format and will include a total of four round tables that will take place on the aforementioned days from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The meeting will be made up of a total of 22 members of brotherhoods and confraternities, technicians and specialists, from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Malta and Slovenia. The opening and closing will be carried out by the President of the European Network of Holy Week and Easter celebrations, Rosario Andújar Torrejón and will be moderated by the coordinator of the network’s scientific committee, Julio Grande Ibarra.
The program of the Meeting is as follows:
Thursday May 20
7.00 pm Opening Ceremony. Rosario Andújar Torrejón, president of the European Network of Holy Week and Easter Celebrations
7.00 – 8.00 pm. Round Table: ‘Need for the development and continuity of Easter and Holy Week celebrations from the standpoint of confraternities and brotherhoods’
Moderator: Antonio Galiano, Chronicler of the City of Orihuela (Alicante, Spain)
- José Veiga Golpe. President of the Council of Holy Week Confraternities of Viveiro (Spain).
- Gonzalo Montoya Alcocer. President of the Glorious Confraternity of the Holy Sacrament and Mary Immaculate in Orihuela (Spain).
- Alessandro Barrafranca. Associazione Giovedì Santo – Museo delle Vare, Caltanisetta, Sicily (Italy).
- Bernardo Reis. Provedor da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Braga (Portugal)
- Francisco José Heredia. Secretary of the Council of Brotherhoods of Alcalá La Real, Jaén (Spain).
8.00 – 9.00 pm. Round Table: ‘Advantages and disadvantages of tourism in connection with religious celebrations and traditions’
Moderator: Pilar Panero, Lecturer at the University of Valladolid
- Gerlando Taibi. Gran Cerimoniere Real Maestranza di Caltanisetta, Sicily (Italy).
- Noel Castillo, Vittoriosa Holy Crucifix confraternity and Managing Director of a Tourism promotion agency, Birgu (Malta).
- Antonio Candil. Secretary of the General Group of Brotherhoods and Confraternities of Priego de Córdoba (Spain).
- Juan Andrés Ibáñez Vilches, Director of Paso Blanco Museum of Embroidery (muBBla), (Lorca, Spain).
Friday May 21
7.00 – 8.00 pm. Round Table: ‘Confraternities and Holy Week. The role of brotherhoods and confraternities in the creation and management of Holy Week Museums’
Moderator: Francisco Javier Gómez, Co-founder of the Museum of Sacred Art of the Brotherhood of the Good End in Cabra (Córdoba, Spain)
- José Sáez Sironi. President of the Higher Council of Confraternities, Brotherhoods and Administrators of Holy Week in Orihuela. Director of the Holy Week Museum in Orihuela (Spain).
- Concetta Cataldo. Associazione Teatro della Parola, Caltanisetta, Sicily (Italy).
- Rafael Sánchez. Higher Brother of the Brotherhood of the Column, Lucena (Córdoba, Spain).
- Diana Murcia Guilabert, director of the Blue Museum of Holy Week (Mass), (Lorca, Spain).
8.00 – 9.00 pm. Round Table: ‘Networking. Towards an international collaboration framework for brotherhoods and confraternities’
Moderator: Julio Grande, Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the European Network of Holy Week and Easter Celebrations
- Joze Stukl. Brotherhoods and Confraternities of the Škofja Loka Passion Play, Slovenia.
- Don Manuel Bernabé Belmonte. Institutional Social Communication at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome.
- Guillermo Iván Bernal Trujillo. President of the Association of Confraternities and Brotherhoods of Baena, Córdoba (Spain).
- Álvaro Reina. President of the Council of Brotherhoods and Confraternities of Osuna, Seville (Spain).
9.00 pm Closing Ceremony. Rosario Andújar Torrejón, president of the European Network of Holy Week and Easter Celebrations
For more information you can visit the website www.encuentrodehermandades.eu
More about the European Network
The European Network of Easter and Easter celebrations was created in 2019 and is part of the Italian Federico II Foundation, representing the municipalities of Palermo and Caltanissetta, Sicily (Italy); Birgu municipality in Malta; the Commission on Lent and Celebrations of Braga’s Holy Week in Portugal; Representations of the Passion of Christ in Skofja Loka, Slovenia; the municipalities that are part of the ‘Caminos de Pasión’ route: Alcalá la Real in Jaén, Baena, Cabra, Lucena, Priego de Córdoba and Puente Genil in Córdoba and Carmona, Écija, Osuna and Utrera in Seville. Also within the Spanish geography we find Orihuela in Alicante; Lorca in Murcia and Viveiro in Lugo.
Its objective is to promote and disseminate cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, related to the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter through actions that enhance this heritage, promote sustainable tourism development around it and contribute to safeguard the intangible heritage through scientific and research work.